Thursday, 21 March 2013

My Cats Sleep in Parallel

My cats do a weird thing. Wherever they are in the house, they are usually in parallel.

I first noticed it when Mouth and Tail were in the same room. It would often make sense that they were both facing the same way, because they were waiting for me to dish up their dinner or wiggle a toy.

But then I started to realise that they are nearly ALWAYS pointing in the same direction.

Sometimes they will be hunched up.

The 'north-south'

The 'east-west'

Sometimes they will just be sitting there.

The 'centre of gravity'

Sometimes they will be splatting about and generally looking untidy.

The 'mess'

It doesn't matter if one of them is upstairs and the other is downstairs.

The 'whole-body-plant'

My boyfriend and I like to think that they are tapping into mysterious invisible forces. Maybe they are acting as feline compasses or weathervanes of some sort.

But it is more likely that Mouth wants to do whatever Tail is doing.

He is a very impressionable animal.


  1. this is the moment.. this one right here, when I totally fell head over heals for Mouth..

  2. Feline dowsing rods, perhaps? ;) This is amazing!
