Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Ode to a sparkly ball

Tail has a sparkly ball that she prizes above all things.

For Tail, all that is good and right in the world is summed up by this ball.

It isn't a special ball. It cost about 50p from a pet shop. But Tail loves it more than life itself.

When she is feeling particularly well disposed towards humankind, she will hide her ball in secret places for me to find.

Sometimes it is in her food bowl.

Sometimes it is in my shoe.

Sometimes, just sometimes, it is in my bed.

Tail will follow her sparkly ball anywhere.

If someone flicks her ball, everything else stops being important.

We tried to teach her to play fetch with it, but she becomes overwhelmed by her adoration of the ball and forgets we exist.

I wish I cared about anything as much as Tail cares about her sparkly ball.


  1. That's true here, too. Currently there are three pots full of sparkly balls, and there are favorites among them, particularly a large purple one. The family calico seems to prefer the multicolored ones ;) and the only "thing" I care about as much as they do about these, is THEM ;)

  2. @jmuhj: Haha, that's fantastic! Maybe I need to invest in some new sparkly balls, ours are getting a bit shabby. But maybe they smell better that way?!

    I'll have to include a calico in my blog at some point! Is yours a typical 'naughty tortie'? One of my best friends has a gorgeous calico and she's a feisty lady!
